A review by kelseyketch
The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee (Origami Yoda #3) by Tom Angleberger


The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee is yet another fun adventure of the Origami Yoda chronicles. Though not as exciting of the first and second novel, I truly enjoyed this novel. I guess the real reason I did struggle a little with this novel because Dwight is missing from the picture – well, most of the time at least. Kind of funny how he’s the heart and soul of the series and you really don’t notice it until he’s gone.

However! I really loved the twists and turns the Fortune Wookiee presents in this case file. Though, honestly, I’m more a R2D2 and C3PO fan – which I would love to see in one of these novels someday – the Fortune Wookiee and Han Foldo duo are a lot of fun. I also love that it is Sara – a girl – who is left in charge while Dwight is away. And apparently, she’s very good at a wookiee impression.

All in all, I can’t wait to find out what trouble is brewing in McQuarrie Middle School next. And I would recommend this series to anyone who is a kid at heart, or those who just love Star Wars.

For more book reviews, you can also visit my website over at Ketch’s Book Nook. Thank you.