A review by bookasaurusbex
Aiden Shaw's Penis by Nathan Alling Long, Tiki Odueso, Kiki Gonglewski, Selma Carvalho, Fernando A. Torres, Ali Said, Michael Harris Cohen, Catherine Rudolph, Mubanga Kalimamukwento, Mites Teymoorian, Deborah Green


I was incredibly excited and am very grateful to receive a copy of this absolutely stunning collection of stories and writings about Censorship from @randomthingstours and @imprint_27

I devoured these stories and actually read a lot of them twice - they absolutely enchanted me. There are allegories, criticisms and historical reflections among other writings in this collection and they all explore Censorship in ways that I didn't even consider prior to reading.

I have been introduced to a number of writers and perspectives and I cannot think of a better endorsement for this collection than to give you some of my favourite quotes from the book itself.

Each is from a different story within the collection.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention just how beautiful this book is. Each story has an illustration, titles embossed in pink and pink pages separating the stories. It is stunning.

I recommend everyone picks this up - it will make you reflect on your privilege, the value of words and the nature of media worldwide.