A review by thebookberrie
A Taste for Love by Jennifer Yen

A Taste for Love is about a girl named Liza who rebels against her mother's traditional values, especially when it comes to dating. The only thing they agree on is baking so when the annual junior competition comes around, Liza agrees to help. When the day comes around Liza realizes that all the contestants are young Asian American men that her mother has picked. The bachelorette situation is even worse when Liza sees herself falling for one of the contestants.

I can't even say this started off cute because this started off slow as hell and did absolutely nothing for the longest time?? For a book that is about a baking competition, it doesn't start until halfway after Liza has just been doing a bunch of filler things. She goes on a trip to New York to visit her sister and it was so much pls, I do not care start baking or do anything else.

When it finally gets down to it, it was pretty cute and light while also dealing with some serious topics but I just couldn't enjoy it after the painfully slow start. I don't like baking shows or books either oh my god why do i keep picking them up.