A review by averagegal
The Big Skinny: How I Changed My Fattitude by Carol Lay


This book is a memoir about Carol Lay's experience with weight loss. The twist is that she uses her talent as a cartoonist to tell her story. Unfortunately, the novelty of a graphic novel about health and fitness isn't enough to make it anything more than average.

Why do a fitness book in cartoon form, anyway? This was a big stumbling block for me. When I read a book about someone who has lost weight, I want to see some before-and-after photos. This is a book filled with drawings; for all I know, the author could still be overweight. How am I supposed to believe that what she is recommending works?

Putting the lack of photos aside, this isn't a bad book. However, I can't figure out the right audience for it. The graphic novel format might appeal to teenage girls, but the author is not in their age group and doesn't write in a hip enough style. The women who are Lay's age (mid-50s) have probably read enough fitness books in their lifetime to make this book seem like a kindergartener's guide to dieting. Even her personal story isn't compelling enough to recommend the book.