A review by abbyboo
Between Expectations: Lessons from a Pediatric Residency by Meghan MacLean Weir


I am a paramedic....not nearly as knowledgeable as a physician but I know enough to be dangerous. Becoming a doctor was my dream when I was younger, I was so set on it that any other outcome was utter failure. I adore being a medic, with someone giving a differential diagnosis on gut instinct and talking. I am not always right, and sometimes I can't do anything to make the situation better but ask my partner to drive faster.

This book was beyond profound. Death is the end to all of our stories. The wonder that is the human body leaves me in awe daily. Yet most people don't think about the large amount of children each day that are dying because their body wasn't made right. Their bodies are compatible with life. These stories will stay with me forever. My least favorite part of my job is to prolong someone's life who is in pain and no longer living the life they want. I can't imagine how horrible that is to witness in children. Death really isn't the worst thing that can happen to us, too much love and ill fated interventions are. I don't want to bring someone in this world for them to only experience suffering. I don't want to define someone else's life either but what I consider suffering. As humans we are all in life together. We are our own salvation and our own curse.

I am envious of all the doctors out there but I have one thing up on them....I get to go into someone's house and make them feel safe before leaving that house to go to the hospital. I am a part of that moment where a little relief sets in when they know that they are no longer alone in their emergency. Even if I can't do anything but drive them there, I get to be a part of their lives in some of the scariest moments. Healthcare is amazing but it should be more person care focused. If you're not happy, getting your liver fixed isn't going to suddenly make you happy.

I am grateful for the Healthcare access that we have in the US. The author traveling to Liberia was eye opening and gut wrenching. Everyone should lose sleep over innocent children dying merely because they were born in a poor country. It is a tragedy beyond words.