A review by susanatwestofmars
My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon by P.N. Elrod


I don't usually like anthologies, but I'd been asked to pick this up by a Jim Butcher fan, who read the Jim Butcher story, shrugged, and handed the book back to me. It's sat on my TBR mountains ever since, and I finally grabbed it, wanting to read some stories to fill an evening.

This was about what I expected. I liked discovering new-to-me authors. I liked visiting with authors I already knew. And I still can't read Katie MacAlister without remember the writer's group we were both members of, and the snit she threw. I can't remember what it was over, just her threats to leave. So remember that, folks: bad behavior follows you further in life than your reasons for it.

So I'll be picking up some backlists, starting series that also have languished on Mt. TBR. Interestingly, I'm not inclined to get back into any series that I'd mostly abandoned, based on this anthology. Guess you can't win 'em all.