A review by bubblewombat
Welcome to Carnage by Selena Winters

dark fast-paced
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


I was expecting this to be good based on the cover and blurb and have been looking forward to reading it since it dropped, but sadly it was too cheesy for me, and not in a good way. 

It almost read like a copy paste of some other Halloween novellas, except some of them did it better. My main problem here was the writing (didn't work for me at all) and how rushed everything was near the end. 

Nyx waiting 2 years and then immediately jumping into an engagement and moving in together and in the span of a few days
, what was that about? He went too far off the rails, and not just in regards to what I mentioned either, but for example
carving his initials into her during their proper first time together???
I would've checked out then, to be honest, but it's not a long book so I figured I might as well finish to see where it would go.

It tried to be dark and sweet at the same time and it just didn't work. I will however be checking out the author's Christmas novella which will hopefully be better.