A review by glitterandtwang
The Life After Vol. 3: Exodus by Joshua Hale Fialkov


Joke's on me, I had totally picked up this third volume and left it in a stack separate from the first two. Hooray for surprise comics!

Anyhow, the adventures of our little band of heroes continue in this volume. Hemingway continues to be the best part, though I don't know how much I trust Fialkov's taste in literature if his feelings reflect the Great Potato's - Hemingway was a fine writer, but he wasn't anywhere near the realm of Vonnegut.

ANYWAY. I thought it was all wrapping up nicely, but then the last two pages introduce a conspiratorial little group determined to overthrow world order as we know it . . . rude. Guess I'm gonna have to hang on until the next volume. Gabo's art is growing on me, at least.