A review by lalatut
Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath


Interesting self-study on individual strengths. The book is a bit redundant to the website but gives more backstory and developmental history. The main idea is that culturally, Americans spend a lot of time and energy trying to improve areas of weakness - if you're bad at math you likely to spend longer working on it than other subjects and/or pay for tutoring, etc. If you're not empathetic, your job might require empathy training, etc. It says too few people actually spend enough time doing things they are naturally good at. This test is supposed to help individuals, families, organizations, companies change that. The test is meant to discover your top 5 out of 34 (I think) possible talents. It also comes with action items and application ideas once you know what they are. Also, even if you and another person share a #1 talent, it may be applied very differently based on what your other top 5 talents are - so it accounts for individuality. I was not 100% sold on the accuracy of my 3rd talent in my test results, but I'm still mulling over all the info. Mostly, it was right on - my favorite action items were: pursue further education in philosophy, literature, or psychology, find avenues for listening & counseling others, and start book clubs or similar discussion-facilitating shared interest groups. =)