A review by melodine
Alta: Joust #2, by Mercedes Lackey


If you have been following along to my reviews (why wouldn't you), this is the second book in yet another amazing series by Mercedes Lackey.

My controversial opinion is that if you want you can start the series here. !!

Hear me out.

This book has more happening, more conflict, a bigger storyline then the first. The first was just on a smaller scale about a regular life where something awesome happens that changed the life of just one character mostly. This book has deeper secrets, more involved, more conflict. The series is growing with the main character. Both books excellent. And you still have to read both, but not in order.

Below is my list of things NOT in this book:
- simple farmer/peasant who is the most special boy who has to save the world
- a very special sword
- the very special boy using the very special sword to save everyone
- graphic killing, sexing, raping, or torture
- needless/endless details about countless countries and their people
- centuries long prophecies
- books of prophecies
- long forgotten magic/magic that has been damaged in someway resulting in all the characters gasping anytime they found out what sort of magical things their ancestors could do
- all the women falling in love with above mentioned simple farmer/peasant
- women of benevolent yet powerful magic in some kind of ladies home with secret devil/dark/evil worshipers

I'm just saying. If you are into that stuff might I recommend Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth series.
(Don't read those series, read this one).