A review by crystalm17
Angel: Time and Tide by Corinna Bechko, Zé Carlos, Joss Whedon


Once upon a time the Angel graphic novels were actually better than the Buffy ones. With this season that is no longer the case. The artwork is rough and makes the characters nearly unrecognizable as their TV counterparts. If they'd spent the entire life of the graphic novel series giving them their own looks apart from the actresses/actors who portrayed the characters then I would understand but that's not the case so the stylistic change this season is jarring.

Also, the team of Angel and Fred/Illyria is not nearly as fun as Angel and Faith. I was always partial to Fred in the TV show because she was overall a more "normal" character and so I identified with her but now that she's back she's sharing her body with Illyria and that seems to be the entirety of her identity: that she's harboring an all-powerful demon.

Overall I am ready for this arc of Angel to be over.