A review by syndi3
The Mighty Storm by Samantha Towle

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.

It pains ms so much to shelve Miss Towle's book under DNF. I read so many good reviews about Mighty Storm. The story of 2 childhood friends in the storm of rock and roll. 

I am shocked to listen only about 8th hours of the audiobook. Everything is just a disaster storm more like it. My biggest problem is with Tru, the heroine. She is so wishy washy about her feeling toward Jake and Will. She feeled guilty for Will but she consented having sex with Jake. She frustrates me so much that I want to bitch slap her. 

Jake is also weak hero. He has no back bone at all. He agrees to Tru needy, childish,selfish demands then throws a tantrum when Tru playing hard to get. I can not feel their attraction toward another since the POV is done from Tru. 

Those making this book too difficult to read.