A review by robinwalter
The Goodbye Kids by Debbie Iancu-Haddad

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
The synopsis sounded interesting so I entered the Storygraph giveaway for this book and was delighted to win. Unfortunately it did not gel with me.

I read 1/4 of the story, and found the constant change of perspective and 1st-person narration difficult to connect with. It was by no means the least favourite of my many aborted attempts to read YA, but the general tenor of other reviews here at the Storygraph suggests I did the right thing pulling out when I did. 

One minor technical point that irked me : The characters' weight and height are given in US measurements. The US is already one of fewer than 5 countries that don't use SI measurements, the chances of SI not being used in the late 22nd century seem absurdly remote