A review by popthebutterfly
Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi


Disclaimer: I received this e-arc from the publisher and Rockstar book tours! Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes

Author: Roshani Chokshi

Book Series: Pandava Series

Rating: 5/5

Diversity: Indian main character and side characters!

Publication Date: April 7, 2020

Genre: MG Fantasy

Recommended Age: 10+ (slight violence, some scary moments)

Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents

Pages: 412

Amazon Link

Synopsis: War between the devas and the demons is imminent, and the Otherworld is on high alert. When intelligence from the human world reveals that the Sleeper is holding a powerful clairvoyant and her sister captive, 14-year-old Aru and her friends launch a search-and-rescue mission. The captives, a pair of twins, turn out to be the newest Pandava sisters, though, according to a prophecy, one sister is not true.
During the celebration of Holi, the heavenly attendants stage a massage PR rebranding campaign to convince everyone that the Pandavas are to be trusted. As much as Aru relishes the attention, she fears that she is destined to bring destruction to her sisters, as the Sleeper has predicted. Aru believes that the only way to prove her reputation is to find the Kalpavriksha, the wish-granting tree that came out of the Ocean of Milk when it was churned. If she can reach it before the Sleeper, perhaps she can turn everything around with one wish.
Careful what you wish for, Aru . . .

Review: Holy cow this book was so good! I absolutely loved the characters, old and new, especially Sheela! My new fave next to Aru! I loved the world building and I loved how this group of heroines and heroes solved issued and fought together. The book was well written and fun, and it was well paced.

I didn’t really have an issue with the book at all. In a couple of spots, it was slow but that was to build tension. The book also ended on an absolute cliffhanger that boggled my mind. I need book 4!!

Verdict: Love this series!