A review by kara_hildebrand
On Higher Ground by Melissa Collins


On Solid Ground by Melissa Collins has one of my all-time favorite couples in it, so when I heard Beck and Dax were getting another book, I may have screamed a little. Or a lot. At the end of On Solid Ground, Beck, Dax and Violet were a family and happy, but we didn't get to see the rest of their story. We needed the rest of their story! Dax is having nightmares again and they haven't set a date for the wedding. Beck and Dax both feel they are not connecting, but they aren't blaming each other. They are in this together and they both have to fix it. Life gets in the way and they need to find their way back to their happiness. Dax has to realize his past can't continue to define him. He needs to move into the future with the love of his life and their daughter. Beck's past also comes back to haunt him and together they have a lot of decisions to make. Will they get married? They know they want forever, but does that commitment change the way they feel? Do they want to grow their family? Where are their careers taking them? I can't even express how much I love Dax and Beck. Their love story is perfect, real, hot, sweet and loving. Violet is hilarious and I love her sassy mouth. I need to start a swear/sarcasm jar in my house! I would read fifty books about this family. These characters are so real to me that they are part of my soul. Dax and Beck aren't just a loving, sexy couple. They are the perfect blended family, along with Chloe, their friends and family.

"Because you're my home. My forever. I've never been more solidified in my life than right here, right now with you and our sugar pop."

"Maybe we should make her drop a buck into the swear jar every time she says fine," I suggest.
"We'd be fucking millionaires."
"Well, between her fines and your fucks, you're not far off."
Rolling his eyes, Beck ignore my comment, grumbling a quiet "fuck" under his breath.
As I walk toward the bathroom to wash away the sweat and grime from my morning run, I say "Pay up, Mr. Fucksalot."