A review by roxiethebookslayer
Black Ambrosia by Elizabeth Engstrom


“If it doesn’t matter what you do, then how do you choose what to do?”

First, thank you Valencourt for saving these stories from the abyss. Younger generations need access to these to fully appreciate the horror genre.

Like too many, I had never heard about Elizabeth Engstrom until Grady Hendrix's review of When Darkness Loves Us. I have yet to read it, but will be bumping it up my TBR after reading Black Ambrosia.

Full confession, I wanted to read this book based on its title. Ambrosia is the name of my best friend of nearly two decades and her name isn't that popular, so I was intrigued. Plus look at the bitchin cover!

In Black Ambrosia, Engstrom takes us back to the classic vampire tropes. We are given the story through the point of view of Angelina Watson, a vampire that roams around searching for a place to fit in with the humans. She doesn't have much of a back story, but seems to want to tame her bloodthirstiness. Along the ride she takes several lovers, using them for their blood and taken off when she is finished with them. Following close behind is an ex-lover that wants to destroy her. 

Throughout the journey we pass through small-town America in the height of the 80s blue collar, Bruce Springsteen/John Mellencamp era. More than once did I feel like I was in an R rated version of their music videos. That isn't an insult at all, I love that simpler time!

Ultimately, ratings are subjective. Some will love Engstrom's romantic prose, while others will be board to tears. I rated Black Ambrosia 3.5 stars (rounded down) because I enjoyed the plot but found myself annoyed with Angelina detached emotions. 

*Thank you Valencourt for a gifted audiobook of Black Ambrosia in exchange for an honest review.*