A review by schmidt05
The Borgias: The Hidden History by G.J. Meyer


Every now and again I read a book that proved to me how little I really know. This is one of those books and I LOVED it!!!!!

Any reading of Popes, especially "bad popes" will bring you the name of Pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia and his kin. The Borgia's have an infamous reputation in history including incest, fratricide and poisonings. But do they really deserve this reputation? G.J. Meyer has taken a much forgotten look at the actual historical record and sources for the history of the Borgia's and what he finds may just surprise you!!

Pre and Renaissance Italian politics can be a challenging subject to cover as the shifting city-states, Church, Families and power alliances change and shift constantly. This book is not for the novice of Italian history. Meyer goes into excellent discussion of historical context that is vastly important, but can be confusing and possibly overwhelming for a first brush at this time frame within Italian history.

Outstanding book!!!!!! HIGHLY recommended.