A review by charshorrorcorner
The Essential Sick Stuff by Ronald Kelly


The Essential Sick Stuff was such a fun collection of stories! It was a perfect way to distract myself from the dumpster fire that is life in 2020.

I was a bit worried that these tales would be too extreme for me, but they weren't all all. My favorites among them were:

DIARY-The diary of a sociopath waiting for death by electric chair.


MASS APPEAL-The truth of this story slowly unfurls until you find yourself horrified.

OLD HACKER-Ewwww. That's all I'm going to say.

MOJO MAMA-Don't mess with her!

CONSUMPTION-Caterpillars, ugh! I found this one particularly disturbing because we had a caterpillar infestation a few years ago and there were so many, our driveway was like a moving carpet of them. I shudder just thinking about it.

EXIT 85-Don't run so low on gas that you're forced to get off the highway in the middle of the night. Just don't do it.

SNAKEHANDLER-A crooked preacher comes to town.

THE THING AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD-Don't pull over to look at it. Don't do it!

CELL NUMBER NINE-Jail sucks! The inmates are just the start of it.

SUCKERS-I thought this story was hilarious and creative. Who doesn't love a good mad scientist tale?

MISS ABIGAIL'S DELICATE CONDITION-It is indeed, delicate, but it's not what you think!

Ronald Kelly is legendary in the world of horror but it seems that not enough people are aware of that, and it's a true shame. The man can write anything, particularly stories of the American south and all the beauty and darkness that surrounds it. He seems like a nice enough guy, but I have to wonder because these stories are just what the title suggests, sick. What fun!

Highly recommended!

Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/35O7NJ1
*Thanks to Silver Shamrock for the e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest feedback.*