A review by sortabadass
Adulthood Rites by Octavia E. Butler


In my forever-lost-to-the-annals-of-time review of Dawn, the first book in this trilogy, I lamented Butler's apparent inability to write believable men. I was wrong and I retract this statement, deleted though it might be.

Adulthood Rites is the continued story of the Human and Oankali races as told by Akin, Lilith Iyapo's son. More specifically, it is the story of humanity's struggle against or capitulation to melding with another race. Akin is a half breed and throughout the book he struggles to understand both the Human Contradiction and the implications of Oankali trade.

This book was okay, but I didn't like it quite as much as Dawn.

Words Below
Neoteny. (n) The retention of juvenile features in the adult animal.
Peripatus. (n) A tropical terrestrial invertebrate with a soft worm-like body and stumpy legs.

Now they were dangerous. They were like smoldering wood that might either flare into flames or gradually cool and become less deadly. Akin made no sound, hardly moved. He must not trigger a flaring.

"Part of what we are will continue. Part of what we are will go to the stars someday. That seems better than sitting here, rotting alive or dying and leaving nothing. How can it be a sin for the people to continue?"