A review by bookshelfmonkey
Hello Now by Jenny Valentine


This book was great but I needed more.
The concept behind this book is amazing and something that I've never really seen before (although the easiest comparison would be to Every Day). I loved this book but I needed more. The book was pretty short so the idea behind it was never really explored. The book had a large abstract fantasy element but it was never explained beyond the basics. I felt confused and I really believe that if this had been a longer book, it would have been perfect.
The beginning of the story was nice, and I felt like I knew the main character from the first chapter. Everything got started nicely and I loved the beginning and the ending but it really felt like the middle was skipped out. The beginning and ending made up most of the book but the middle felt like a poorly-made montage of the highlights. I wanted to get to know the characters more and I wanted to learn more about the concept behind this book.
There weren't very many characters but I loved all of them when they were introduced but they were never really allowed to develop. I wanted to learn more about them and their relationships with the others.
This book was great, which is why it needed so much more.