A review by sabregirl
Everbound by Brodi Ashton


HOLY SHIT! That plot twist at the end, that was fucking, I can't beleive that! I really didn't see that coming. Which is a good thing coming from a book. Most of the ones I've been reading have been fairly predictable and this one just threw you the left curve and I'm like BUT BUT BUT I NEED THE NEXT BOOK! It needs to happen like now, I need to know what's going to happen!

This book delved more into the Greek Myths (as well as a few others but Greek is the one it takes from the most) and I really liked that. I love books that have little hints toward Myths and you try to figure out how this is going to be involved in the story. This one just kept going the opposite way and I really liked that. I didn't know what was going to happen.

Nikki just wants to get the love of her life Jack, back from the Tunnels. The only way she can do that? Is getting the Everling who is in love with her, Cole, to help her reach the Tunnels. The problem? No one is ever known to actually have made it it to the Tunnels and lived to tell the tale. But Cole helps her through it all, through the three rings that make up the middle of the Everneath and into the Tunnels. There are trials and and things going on on the Surface that Nikki had to learn to balance without breaking relationships with her Father.

Cole, oh man, I admit things got to me. He was really sweet, loving and endearing, showing how much he really loved Nikki going through all of this. I was kinda going toward team Cole for a little while but through the flashbacks of Nikki and Jack it proves that their relationship is there to last.

I have NO idea where this book is going to go. There are so many unanswered things from the last thirty pages of the book! Why are people so different, what is going to happen after the HUGE twist at the end, who will get the happy ending? Can it be when ever the next book comes out now?