A review by maryam162424
A Trick of the Light by Lois Metzger


2016: 4 stars
Loved the boy's perspective and the pace it went in! A really good book!

2020: 2.5 stars
I can see why my 15 yr old self liked the concept of this book.. but it doesn’t deliver in the way I think it should. If it’s mean to raise awareness about boys having eating disorders too, then the least Metzger could do was show that they acknowledge this at the hospitals, where they would normally (and unfortunately) see cases such as Mike’s. I liked how most ppl didn’t say anything till it got really worrisome, but for a doctor to ignore this and the treatment centre to be so bland almost, it’s just not the right portrayal of how treatment works. I was pretty disappointed after rereading this but I’m also happy that I was able to acknowledge these things as a mature adult.

P.s. I know some treatment centres are really ignorant, but when a book is raising awareness that boys have eating disorders too, then in my opinion, it should be showing the progress mike makes AT the centres. Sure, maybe the first one was crap but Metzger should have taken him to another hospital with better treatment and better therapists.