A review by mapey
This Is Where It Ends, by Marieke Nijkamp


This is one of the shorter books I've read in a while, but it took me so long???

I think it's because this book's writing style is so choppy that I couldn't really get engaged. I found myself reading a chapter then looking around and not really wanted to get too back into the book. Also for a book that should only take place in a couple of minutes, it takes so long (not just personally me reading, but the story itself and the chapters itself). It didn't seem reasonable that so much was going on in only 2 minutes at a time.

The whole story premise is horrifying though, and I was really excited to read a story about a school shooting. We've all seen them in the news more and more these past few years, so this is a very important story. I don't know how accurate it is, but it really resonated with me. It was really interesting seeing Tyler through the lives of others. He was apparently such a great guy to some, but everything just went so wrong.

There's more than just a shooting though. This tiny book also focuses on LGBT characters and rape. It also doesn't romanticize small towns - it shows the dangers of the police being so far away and everyone being connected to each other just made the whole thing so much scarier.

The texts/tweets seemed to be useless to me. None of them conveyed much, and I didn't care at all about the characters that starred in them (Jay, someone who skipped school so we don't know a single thing about him, and Mei, a teacher's daughter that we don't really get to meet and who's just sort of annoying).

Important story and topics, but it fell a little flat for me. I'd still probably recommend it to people though because it is such a short book.