A review by shile87
Tales from Foster High by John Goode


5 ++++++++ stars

This book, this book .. is the best YA/NA that I have ever read, better than any high school series/ movie that I have watched , and I have watched a lot.. probably every Tv series and movies known to man.


The writing was on point. While reading this I felt like I was back in high school which like Kyle I Hated with a passion, you would not pay me any amount of money to go back.


“So I sat there and thought about faking a heart attack so I could skip school for a few months. I mean, they wouldn’t let a kid with a weak heart deal with something as harsh as high school, would they?”


Kyle ..oh my I loved him. He was the invisible student, a loner did not want to be noticed, just wanted to finish high school, little did he know he caught the attention of the high school popular Jock named Brad, and from there everything changes. I loved the character growth of Kyle, he goes being the invisible nobody to an amazing man of strength. He was not a doormat and did not back down from a fight an I loved that.

“I didn’t want to be a victim, some princess locked away in a tower, waiting to be saved. I wanted to be the hero of my story; I didn’t need to be saved. At least I didn’t want to be.”



Brad.. let’s just say he is not your typical jock, yes he is popular, but its all just a façade. I liked that when he found out he liked Kyle he just went for it consequences be damned.

“I didn’t have a life before you. All of that was… was just a waste of time.” I put my hand over his heart. “This, this is the first real thing I have ever felt.”

The secondary characters were well written. I liked that even though the parents were shitty parents, when it came to their boys they fought for them.

Kelly.... uummmm! I don't like at all.

I Loved it. Thank God there are 7 more books.


“I don’t remember the moment I knew I was broken… but I do recall when I started to understand that it might be okay. It was the moment I fell in love with the boy with the green eyes.”


The pop culture reference had me grinning throughout and I realized I have watched every movie and Tv series mentioned

“Your dad said you guys got into a fight.” Which was like saying that Voldemort and Harry Potter had strong words with each other.”


The steam was low its YA so it did not bother me, but there was a lot of kissing which i liked.



John Hughes would have been proud.