A review by alicemichelle
The Lie by Kathryn Croft


I struggled with this book. I seem to be at odds with the majority this time - on the surface it looked like the kind of book I would immerse right into, but it was a battle. I found the sense of drama a little forced around many of the characters and as much as I wanted to like Ava, I kept feeling she would lean to be a little unbelievable as a character.

My biggest gripe is with the sheer number of times the words, lie, liar, lied, lying are used. It just started to feel a bit over the top and would pull me from the story with a  flash of annoyance that I was hearing that word or a variation of it yet again. Four times in two pages after several pages without it and I sighed put my kindle down and made tea. It really prevented me becoming properly involved in the story.

I know teenagers can be hard to communicate with but I think Jacob just made himself look guilty constantly. Tom? I despised him all the way through. Carrie I found it hard to have sympathy for - grief is a strange beast but she became increasingly more dislikable.

What kept me reading considering my obvious criticisms then? Well, I like a mystery and this couldn't have been what it seemed, it would have been too frustrating if it was!

I didn't really like Rose that much either but the twist with her does explain a bit.

Lucy I did like -. A mother who knows her child and loves unconditionally. Jacob also showed realism to his nature and growth as a person.

So this one wasn't for me, but it wrapped up well.