A review by jmanchester0
Batwoman, Volume 4: This Blood Is Thick by Sandu Florea, Guy Major, W. Haden Blackman, J.H. Williams III, Derek Fridolfs, Walden Wong, Francesco Francavilla, Trevor McCarthy


Are you freaking kidding me?

I read TPBs so they don't end in cliffhangers. So I get a complete story.

But noooooo...

This volume of Batwoman has to end in, not 1, but 2 cliffhangers.


I really enjoyed this story. The action is great. Mags and Kate's relationship is fantastic. (Wasn't Mags originally from Metropolis?) I really liked the issue focusing on Croc. And the end was rather suspenseful - making the cliffhanger(s) much more annoying.

I'll definitely be looking for volume 5.