A review by deecreatenola
Almost French: Love and a New Life in Paris by Sarah Turnbull


Early on I was afraid my comment here was going to be Almost Good. The story is irresistible to me with the author moving to Paris, but it took a little while to feel like you were in the author's story. Her observations are good and really unlike similar stories I've read. You feel like you are getting the real take of a foreigner moving to France.

Unfortunately I felt like her stories went on a little too long. A good editor could have helped shape that a bit more. I also found the story flipped from present to past quite often - when we know all of it is in the past.

I have no doubt that I would enjoy hanging out with the author. I felt a definite kinship, even though she is from Australia and I'm American. I wonder how this story would be written (and maybe will be written) with more time and distance.