A review by andizor
I Am NOT a Dinosaur! by Will Lach, Jonny Lambert, American Museum of Natural History


I Am Not a Dinosaur! explores the American Museum of Natural History's collection of non-dinosaur museum skeletons through clever little rhymes. I think my favorite is: "I have no teeth, just pointy jaws--two fierce and bony living saws. I cut fish down right to the core...but--I am NOT a dinosaur! I am Dunklesosteus." Interestingly enough, I read this right after Squirrels Leap, Squirrels Sleep which has similar, cut paper collage like images as well. Lambert captures the essence of each creature well, and I really appreciate the back matter, which gives more information about each animal, shows a small picture of the creature's skeleton, AND shoes a time line of when each animal lived. A bibliography would be a great addition, but this does help to expand the usefulness of the book.