A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Broken Prince by Erin Watt



As pretty as the cover and name are, I didn't really like this one as much as the first one.

Not gonna lie, though. The first few chapters were INTENSE! It was so cool to be inside Reed's head and the anguish and sense of urgency was damn real. I kinda felt bad for him.
Another awesome thing was how Ella flat out refused to forgive him when Callum forced her to go back. Yes! You make that boy grovel at your feet, girl! She's an awesome heroine. Loved how their relationship was SLOWLY built back up. It wouldn't have made sense for her to just forgive him after breaking her heart like that. Well done, authors.

Now, for the part I didn't like. Once Ella was back, the book basically consisted in will they won't they (get back together), which, of course, we all knew they would, so with only the blackmail baby thing as a secondary plot, it got kinda boring. Also, I hated how much of a bully Reed was in this book. I found it really off putting how he "kept everyone in line" by basically beating them up. Even if you're bullying bullies it still doesn't make it ok. He needs to stop punching people just because he didn't like something they said or did. Threaten their social standing. All the preppy , rich, a-holes probably care more about that than their physical well being. I can't stress enough how disturbed I was by Reed's displays of violence in this book.

Now we finally know what's up with Gideon! And let me just say, EW. Still curious about the twins, though.

But that ending! OMFG!
Spoiler Steve's alive!! I had a very strong suspicion that was the case, but still! Cool twist. And Brooke's dead *shrug* I don't think anyone will miss her. Also, no one believes Reed killed her. I mean, c'mon!
I'm so pumped for book 3!!