A review by heyitsniky
My Real Name Is Hanna by Tara Lynn Masih


A very important story, but as the theme suggests, it's a heavy read and I recommend not reading it when you're not in the mood for it (not like I did). It's beautifully written but its characters didn't manage to make their ways to my heart; while their story was heart-wrenching, I couldn't worry for them the way I should have. One thing's for sure, after every book revolving around the wars and their monstrosity, I feel a bit more grateful for having born into a world where I don't have to worry about these things. Although I'm not Jewish, I would never want to feel even just the tickle of war, if I can choose. It must be horrible. Just like for poor 14-year-old Hanna, who doesn't and can't even understand, why and how one human could to something so terrible to another human.

That's also beyond my own understanding.