A review by thedaydreamreader
More Than Forever by Jay McLean


Actual rating is 4.5

Can somebody please tell me where can the Cameron Gordons of the world be found? 'Cause seriously, if there is one book character who you could absolutely describe as the perfect boyfriend, it's definitely Cameron.

I love him and Lucy so much. Their story is the one that may actually describe and give life to the term highschool sweethearts. And yet, it's not the puppy love that such sweethearts wherein it eventually fades. Cam and Lucy's love? It's forever. It's the type of love where happily ever afters were based on.

Upon finishing the book, the thing that pops into my head is that "Is there truly a love such as theirs?" I really want to know. Cam is such a great type of guy that I can't find any wrong in him (except for the thing about the girls in his past). Lucy on the other hand, deals with so much pain in her life that she has every reason to feel insecure about her relationship with Cam. But Cam remains strong. Strong enough for both of them that despite her insecurities, he still loved her so much.

And I guess that's what made me dash of the .5 to the rating. Their story, despite the characters' flaws and the problems they dealt with, seem to go up on a straight line truly towards a HEA. Indeed that's great but there were really no downhills or turns. There was just that one truly little (but it is significant) part that had me feeling the tension that, for me, this book definitely needs. And yet, at the next page, they're back to the pace straight to their forever. I guess the book is wrapped up in all its perfection that made me lose sight of all the imperfections and faults in the characters' lives that had actually made their lives perfect in the first place.