A review by melissasbookshelf
Fly Home to Me by Chalon Linton


Looking for an enjoyable clean contemporary romance? This second book in Chalon Linton’s Flying in Love series captures all those butterflies in the stomach moments when you’re falling in love, anticipating that first kiss, and looking at your phone wondering if “he” will text/call. Each book in this series focuses on those serving in the Air Force and provides a unique look into the complications and hardships military couples face not knowing when they might be called up for service.

The story takes place in the sunny city of Phoenix, Arizona. Paige is in marketing at a local magazine Finding Phoenix. She’s excited to pitch her new idea for promoting the magazine by featuring local people and what they like about the community. She’s on her way to pick up her dry cleaning when she sees a hot looking Air Force pilot helping an old man with his car. Wanting to do a good deed, she pays for the Airman’s dry cleaning when she notices him coming into the shop. Gabriel can’t accept her generous offer and calls her to ask her out so he can give her the money back.

Paige talks Gabriel into being the local Air Force hero featured in the magazine and Gabriel readily agrees just so he can keep seeing Paige. Paige is a complicated woman. She’s experienced a lot of loss in her life and feels like she is constantly being left behind. She’s afraid of commitment and getting hurt. When she meets Gabriel, she has to decide if she’s willing to overcome her fear or lose the greatest thing to ever happen to her.

Can I just say I love Gabriel/Gabe?! He is not only a gorgeous Italian Air Force pilot, but he’s kind, creative, thoughtful, a fabulous flirt, and so patient. I loved his celebration of every holiday under the sun, his willingness to sacrifice for Paige, his love of pizza, and his faith.

I liked Paige but at times I wanted to smack her because she is her own worst enemy. She’s so afraid of losing someone that she sabotages her own chances for happiness. I liked her loyalty and the way that she grows throughout the story.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the next book in the series! I give it 4 1/2 stars. I was lucky to receive a complimentary copy from NetGalley and the publisher. I was not required to give a positive review and all opinions are my own.