A review by aelynreads
Shadowcaster by Cinda Williams Chima


This book offers an alternative perspective from the first book, which focused on the Kingdom of Arden and Adrian. Shadowcaster, instead, focuses on the rival nation the Fells and Adrian's sister, Lyss. Although it took me a while to warm up to this book and the new characters, I ended up really enjoying the story and I love how the series is developing with story lines beginning to intertwine.

The first 40% was s l o w w w w w
I was honestly bored for the first 40% of the book. We were introduced to a lot of new characters, but there wasn't much action. I found myself skipping huge chunks of text just waiting for something to actually happen. However, at 40%, the book really picked up and got very exciting and engaging towards the end.

ALL the characters
I love that this series focuses on so many characters and we're introduced to even more in this book. It gives a very Game of Thrones vibe in that we follow different characters on different sides of the war whose lives intersect and crossover at various points in the story. It's refreshing to switch POV every now and then, and I enjoyed the variety of perspectives and personalities.

This book starts BEFORE the previous book ends
I think it's really important for readers to know that this book is actually an alternate POV at the SAME TIME as the events of the first book in the series. I wasn't clear on this and I got very confused when other events were mentioned. So just be aware, if you're coming into this straight from the first book, you'll be going back in time a little bit to understand what's happening in the Fells during the first book.