A review by saradavcamp
A Holiday in Bath by Jaima Fixsen, Julie Daines, Caroline Warfield


I really enjoyed this set of novellas. I've read several of the different anthologies and not been disappointed yet. This is another good one.

There are three stories. In the first a young woman has to go to Bath to identify her family's killer. The lawyer working with her is the love interest. It was an interesting story with danger and romance. I liked it and thought it was different than your run of the mill regency story. It was another side to the genre. Well done.

The second was about a man who is part of the aristocracy and has been trying to be a good son although his interests lie outside of the accepted realms. The woman is a poor girl visiting her aunt who is there for her health. Both characters are very good people and are perfect for each other. It's fun to watch their relationship develop.

In the third story a woman who is wealthy but a spinster and a man who is a doctor recovering in Bath. They meet and have instant sparks but feel they can't be together because of their differing social status. It was a good story--not my favorite, but still good.