A review by shutupnread
Landlocked by Jessica Gunn


Original review: https://holedupinabook.blogspot.com/2017/11/land-locked-by-jessica-gunn.html

So I read the first book a while ago and had received this e-ARC a while ago as well. I thought the first book was decently written and was entertained. However, I seriously struggled with the second book. I’m not sure if I simply wasn’t as invested in the characters or the plot but something felt off because I honestly dragged my feet in reading this. It honestly took me a few weeks to finally finish it and for someone who can usually finish a book in a few days at most, that is saying a lot.

I also read the novella that is set prior to the second novel which wasn’t too bad and it definitely set the book up because it took place between the first and second book. And again, I thought the novella was fine – I got reacquainted with the characters and the story again. Yet, as stated, something just felt off with the second book that I simply couldn’t get into it.

I did find the relationship with Trevor and Chelsea a bit draggy in the second book. I already understand why there’s tension due to the incident in the first book but with Trevor’s puppy eyes to Chelsea and Chelsea just wanting to have some space, their interaction got boring very fast. However, in a way, I am still rooting for them to be together just because I did enjoy reading about their relationship in the first book. So when a third person came along, even though I did enjoy that character, I was a little shocked because I thought that they could still work things out. Well, maybe not all hope is lost for the two of them.

The plot was also incredibly slow. I thought things moved at a much slower pace. Even though there were a lot of action and progress in the storyline, the pacing of each scene was drawn out to the point that I wanted to put the book down at every other chapter. I also felt that there were a few questions that were left unanswered – perhaps the author will answer them in the third book.

Overall, this series is fine but this second book was just such a drag that I doubt I will pick up the rest of the books. I believe that there are four books to this series so maybe it will get better. I still think that the overall premise was enticing especially with the whole Lemurians and Atlanteans and the whole long-lost colonies. Unfortunately the execution was just not the greatest for the second book.