A review by emmycd
At the End of the World: A True Story of Murder in the Arctic by Lawrence Millman


I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley.

I requested this book as I teach the Dene for IB Social Anthropology and I thought this would make an interesting read and perhaps something I could adapt for my students. There is actually a lot of information and research in the book that would make for an excellent ethnography; in fact the increasing use of technology amongst Inuit people is a growing focus in anthropology.

Unfortunately, the book as it stands is not a good read. The book reads more as a man telling you things at a social event; going off on tangents, anecdotes about things he has experienced and his personal views on technology. This is mixed in with the actual focus of the book, which got lost in all the waffle. I found it very hard to follow the story of the murders and the people involved as Millman simply kept flitting between stories and times.

I would recommend that Millman sits down and writes an ethnography about the use of technology amongst this group of people. I feel it would be a much better read.