A review by rainbowbookworm
A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramée

I was drawn to this novel because I respected and admired John Lewis. I could sympathize with Shay. In school I was always the good girl (anyone who met me later is scoffing at that image, but it is true). I was trusted by teachers and administrators and always made sure that I was well away from any campus shenanigans.

When I graduated high school I realized that there are things worth fighting for. Things worth getting in trouble for. I understood the importance of standing against injustice, standing for what you know is right. I understood that I had to "get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble."

I hope that my students read this book and become inspired to do what is right in school. I hope they read this and find their voice. I hope they find this in my classroom and understand that they have an ally in me. I hope that my words and my actions let them know that if they get in good trouble, in necessary trouble, they have an ally in me.