A review by evee88
Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer


I'm gonna be lenient and say 3 stars.
This book was just FULL of contradictions for me. Ok, first of all, I'm just kinda salty that seriously ISBE GOT ALL THE DRAMA AND INTERESTING PARTS OF THIS BOOK. Isn't this suppose to be an AURORA retelling?!?!? Now that's out of the way, I got a lot more drama than I signed up for when I finished this book. It was like OH I LOVE YOU, BUT I DON'T REALLY? Isbe was REALLY indecisive, but like tbh same in real life, but in fantasy, I find that REALLY annoying. She just COULDN'T make up her mind. Like gurrrrrl -_-. Yet when she did choose I couldn't help but think she was cheating on him because she still had feelings for someone else. YOU SEE HOW DRAMATIC ISBE'S STORY IS?!?! Ok, sorry for just ranting about the romance part and not really the plot. The actual plot is quite fast, at least in the beginning. By page 30 THINGS WERE HAPPENING! It followed the summary pretty well, and to be honest, the summary is better than the story XD. I guess that is all that matters though, click bait but for books! idk anymore. Aurora's 'dream world' was really a lot less magical and more on the creepy side... The world had these 'Impressions' that were meant to lead to your death. So ya... creepy. Also, Aurora's "true love" was basically insta love. Like SERIOUSLY... I'm not even kidding. Of course, you do have to add in the fact that in the dream world Aurora can speak and touch, which she can't in the real world. Also, it's just a PERFECT scenario where Heath is the first person she talks to. There was just a LOT of obvious elements in the book. You were warned. Basically, go into this book with caution knowing you might be in for more drama than you realize, and it's actually more drama than fantasy.
Nonetheless, this book is quite interesting, as the ending leaves on a bit of a cliffhanger. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?