A review by bookgirl1209
Sky on Fire by Emmy Laybourne


Just as good as the first in the series.
It seemed to have more action but that may just be a result of it being the one I read most recently.

In this one, half the group from the Superstore have set out in a modified bus in hopes of reaching safety and sending back a rescue for the kids left behind. The story is told alternately from Dean's perspective and that of his brother Alex on the bus.

Now, normally I'm a stickler for proper English usage but the way Laybourne tells this story, as if it were being written by the boys themselves seems right. It's told in their voice so sometimes things are repeated or overly explained much like they would be if a 14 year old was telling you their story.

I've discovered that there is a .5 installment (I'm guessing a prequel) and a 1.5 which tells us Jake's story.
