A review by ash_chooses_pikachu
Fallen University: Year One by Callie Rose


The premise of the story was so interesting, yet the execution fell flat af. The way the heroine just instantly accepted her change was jarring to me. Hannah, the friend who got turned alongside her, had more of a realistic reaction.

The world building was practically non-existent. There was so much promise here, but nothing was done properly, not the world building, not the relationship building, nothing. The transitions between chapters were incredibly abrupt, with the story moving forward weeks at a time, when there should have been more description for the times in between. The heroine was not likeable to me at all, she was impulsive and quick tempered, but none of the other stuff she did really made up for her annoying traits, so her cons column just became heavier than the pros column.

The heroes were all 2 dimensional characters, with no depth to any of them. There was the cheery one, the spoilt brat, the sad one and the other one for whom I don't even have a description. Honestly, the last 2 were completely interchangeable and consequntially, ignorable. At least the cheery one and the spoilt one had distinct traits, the last two didn't even have that much, and I read about 65% before jumping to the end.

I started this book with so much hope, seeing as the synopsis seemed so promising. I was thoroughly disappointed.