A review by joebathelt
Nature Via Nurture: Genes, Experience and What Makes Us Human by Matt Ridley


In this book, acclaimed science writer Matt Ridley tackles the centuries-old debate about nature vs nurture. He skilful integrates perspectives from behavioural genetics, molecular biology, evolutionary theory, and developmental neuroscience to convince the reader that nature vs nurture is a false dichotomy. The book provides an accessible overview of the topic and provides a helpful historical context regarding the debate. It also addresses common misconceptions about the determinism of genes. I assume that many readers like me have heard or read much of the content already from the numerous documentaries or books on the topic. However, I still stuck with the book because it provides an extremely compelling narrative that draws all of the different strands of the topic expertly together. Matt Ridley is an extremely gifted writer how aptly uses analogies that make even seemingly dry topics come to life. These analogies also provide helpful hooks to remember the finer details of the debate and are helpful to clarify one’s thinking. I highly recommend the book to anyone with an interest in biology, psychology, or education.