A review by erikka
Vampires, Hearts, & Other Dead Things by Margie Fuston

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
DNF page 118/30%
Spoilers kinda, I need to talk about some parts of this:

This was a title buy, not even cover. Didn’t read the description all. And then I read the description, didn’t seem the worst but also didn’t seem for me, I pushed through. I can’t do it anymore. This just seemed (and is) so juvenile. 

Their first night she meets a blond guy, Carter, and just because he’s in the dark staring at the convent he’s the answer, he’s her vampire. Can we get a little more thought please, use our brain just a little more? 
Carter just says “are you waiting for something?” And Victoria has nothing to go on but she says to Carter, “maybe I’m waiting for you.” Babes, stop.

She’s obsessed with vampires, okay who isn’t? She wants to turn into a vamp to save her dad, alright brave but misguided but sure. She keeps thinking about all the things she won’t be able to do but it’s okay she’s with her dad. She sees a drink that may or may not be blood and she can barely stomach it. What!? I get it to a degree she’s still human but can’t stand blood? Or what may or may not be blood?