A review by bie
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire


DNF @ 80%

i kept trying... and trying... and trying... but this book is not for me. don't get me wrong, i did like the amount i read, the idea is super interesting and unique, but my small brain wasn't the biggest fan of the heavy writing. some books are too smart for you, and this one was for me. but this is definitely on me, cause i'm not into this type of fantasy/sci-fi thingy so i should've known i will have a hard time reading it. i really liked the combination between the actual story and the story within the story though, the metaphors were fun to read.

when it comes to the characters – at first – i couldn't care less about them, but i grew to really like dodger and even roger at times, though he did come off as slightly annoying (and dumb). to be honest i don't even remember the names of the other characters so i can't talk about them, but they were alright s'pose. erin was pretty cool! (even though i had to open the book to remember her name) love me a morally grey legend.

what i did do was read the ending... i don't usually do that but i just knew there's no way i will finish this so i felt the need to Know cause i'm curious. and i think it's interesting! i can't say i saw it coming cause i was never that into it so i can pay full attention to what is happening and come up with theories, but as far as endings go, it's a good one. i think there's gonna be a sequel even though i'm not sure what can it possibly be about, but good for them.

TL;DR: interesting idea, but not for me. dodger protection squad.


trigger warnings: bullying, parental gaslighting and emotional abuse, murder, major character death, arson, graphic depiction of suicide attempt, light swearing.