A review by a_novel_ty
Out of Breath, by Rebecca Donovan


Wow….this book…this SERIES was amazing. but boy am i glad it’s over….i didn’t know what the word for it was before i started reading fanfics heavy, but now that i do, LORD do these books have a lot of angst! But it’s a good angst because it keeps you at the edge of your toes, constantly wondering how things are going to work out.

In this book…we find Emma broken, and what other way would she be after two years away from the one person she loves more than life itself? (ugh she’s so stupid sometimes) — she’s just going through the motions of life at this point and is keeping all her dark secrets and painful memories buried deep, but one day they’re all released and she just takes hit after hit after hit, and it takes everyone around her to keep her head above the waves the threaten the snuff the life from her body.

This book was so good, but it was so FRUSTRATING! at first i thought Rebecca was going to take us down a predictable road when Emma started with the drinking… *rolls eyes* but just like Emma….the book took a completely different turn and i found myself really wondering how the HELL this series was really going to end.

Evan….my love Evan. he is the TRUE definition of a ROD, because after seeing all the stuff he saw with Emma, and being in the situations she put him in…its a wonder he can even stand to be around her anymore, but he loves her with all he has, and plays a huge part in bringing her back from the land of being, to the land of living.

This was a really good trilogy, definitely worth the hours lost from staying up to read just ‘one more’ chapter lol. yea right. AS IF!

Side note (spoiler): I LIKE COLE! …. and i don’t know what this says about me of how i feel about Evan really but, i wouldn’t have minded if he and Emma really hit it off.