A review by katleap
Hellforged by Nancy Holzner


4.5 stars (almost)

I picked up this book the day after I finished the first one. I liked it much much better.

First I loved the glitch. That is one awesome demon.

Mab is the other awesome thing. That woman kicks butt. I totally connected to her character. I could see her, understand her and I adore her. She is probably my favorite character in the whole series so far.

Vicky makes some better choices, although I still want to shake her occasionally. the trip to whales didn't bug me at all (which is probably not a good sign), although I was happy when Kane showed up. Daniel finally gets regulated to his true spot (Vicky's police force contact) and there is very little of Tina, so no swords get stole or dreamscapes destroyed. The mystery with Juliet works for me and she was one character I could have used a little more off.

Altogether I thought this was a better book than the first one. The plot was more coherent, the characters more relate-able,( though still not much on witty banter.) My favorite scene is the one on the plane, (if you've read the book you know which one I mean).