A review by amburhostyn
Life Next Door by J.D. Hollyfield


Life Next Door was the perfect light-hearted contemporary romance! :) It was fun, and the characters were absolutely adorable, and definitely quirky! It had me smiling and grinning like crazy, laughing, and it even had me tearing up at times.

As a HUGE fan of sugar, I could totally relate to Cece (a.k.a. Priscilla)! I absolutely loved her little quirks and how she turned to baking (and often wine :P) whenever she had a problem or was stressed. I really liked Trent, too! He was a hunky guy, and definitely tough, but I loved how Cece brought out his soft side. The two of them together were fantastic! They had some serious chemistry, and I loved the teasing and banter between them! :D

The story was pretty light-hearted. Cece was recently divorced and dealing with a bit of betrayal after her breakup. She handled it in a rather immature, yet endearingly hilarious way. I really loved Cece, but I definitely wanted to shake her into action every once in a while. Thankfully, her friends were awesome...and Trent was, too! They never let her stew too long, and would force her into acting a bit more mature! haha ;D While there was some miscommunication between Cece and Trent, I loved seeing them move past it and grow stronger! I'm always a fan of couples actually talking and working things out!! It's definitely one of the things in contemporary romance that I love to see! :D

Overall, I thought that Life Next Door was an adorable story! I really enjoyed the characters, and loved their passion together. I'd recommend Life Next Door to anyone looking for a sweet contemporary romance with some great chemistry, especially if you like a happily ever after! ;)

*I received an ebook of LIFE NEXT DOOR so that I could participate in its blog tour and give an honest review. All opinions are my own.
*This review also appears on my blog (here: http://burningximpossiblyxbright.blogspot.ca/2014/11/blog-tour-review-life-next-door-love.html), and on my other social media profiles.