A review by k8iedid
The Speed of Light by Elizabeth Rosner


I *loved* this book (so many highlights), but the Big Thing that was revealed came out so suddenly and unexpectedly. Perhaps because the family history was revealed through Julian's stories that I didn't put together that Paula was traveling straight into the family's history - so when it happened and was so shocking, I was really not ready. I also felt Julian and Paula's relationship wasn't really developed. She clearly cared for him, but she never called him directly? Only letting her manager convey messages? Was that a voice thing?

Anyway, these plot points didn't take away from the overall story arch, themes or beautiful writing. This book is so so sad. Rosner created three really interesting characters, and I didn't consciously notice the present/past POV's until the discussion questions at the end. I loved it - would be great for a book club discussion.