A review by sidharthvardhan
The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant


Kind of good actually. If you get used to style; Kant rocks it when talking about limitations of logical reasoning. He is brilliant in pointing out fallacies in reasoning of different philosophical systems (well, philosophers are normally very good at pointing out faults in each-other's systems.) If you love logical reasoning, you will love this book - ironically given that book is supposed to be a critique of pure reason. Kant gives some very good reasons and examples to show limitations of reason.

I wish he had left it at that. The trouble with refusing to believe in our senses and reasoning is that we do not have any third method of acquiring knowledge.
At the end, he has so thoroughly crushed ability of reason to find out anything new that he has very little to work with. And then he starts acting illogical - after doing a very thorough job at proving that reason can not be used to prove existence of God; he goes ahead that it must assume existence of God, not because such an assumptions suggests itself for some good reasons, rather because he can not defend his moral value system without that assumption.