A review by andreaerp
Crash by Nicole Williams


Wow! Just wow !! Oh god !! This book was such a roller coaster read! And I completely loved it!!
Jude Ryder.. *sigh* I want him! He's that screwed up guy with the dodgy past that has trouble tattooed on his forehead and stay away screaming from his eyes.. But damn ... you can't help but love him !! He was incredibly sweet and protective (I'm a sucker for those) and the whole relationship reminded me a little of [b:Beautiful Disaster|11505797|Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)|Jamie McGuire|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358259032s/11505797.jpg|16441531] so how can you not love it ?!
It had me smiling, laughing, and falling off the edge of my seat it was so good! It had the perfect amount of everything and the twist... Well I didn't really see it coming, so kudos to you [a:Nicole Williams|4887264|Nicole Williams|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1351095996p2/4887264.jpg] for that !!
I actually liked Lucy, and understood her opinions and emotions and I would've probably done the same stuff and made the same mistakes.

It was an amazing read, and a solid 4.5 stars... Only thing I want is Jude's POV!