A review by lmwanak
The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2010 by Rich Horton


It's neat that I've met (and talked face to face) with 7 authors in this collection. I've also already heard half the stories on Escapepod or Podcastle. It was nice to read these stories and linger over the prose (such as Eros, Phillipe, Agape--read it on Tor, heard it on EscapePod, but reading it in print helped me catch nuances i missed. Same thing with Catherynne M. Valente's The Radiant Car Thy Sparrows Drew).

Stories that stuck with me:

The Persistence of Memory by Paul Park: normally I hate meta fiction, but this finally elevated it to an art form. Read it several times and something else revealed itself to me each time.

Technicolor by John Langan: very spooky retelling of Poe's The Masque of the Red Death. Never realized colors could be so deadly. Or lectures for that matter.

Wife-stealing Time by R. Garcia y Robertson: wry tale that combines friskyn females and hunting beasts

The Death of Sugar Daddy by Toiya Kristen Finley: invoked memories of my childhood

Mongoose by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette: Heard this one on Drabblecast. A delight to read in print.

Secret Identity: if I was to ever get audio equipment, I would beg Podcastle to let me read this. Also, Kelly Link, Kelly Link.